You are here: Promotions > Promotion Examples > Promotions Tripped Multiple Times

Promotions Tripped Multiple Times

Multiple Trips Allowed

We have selected this example to trip the promotion as many times as possible.



In the example below, we have sold 2 cartons, and the promotion shows as being tripped twice.



Multiple Trips Allowed with MAXTRIPS tag

We have selected this example to trip the promotion a limited number of times.

This is achieved by enabling the Multiple Trips option in the promotion and adding a [MAXTRIPS=#] tag to the User-Defined Text in the Advanced tab of the promotion.



Replace # in MAXTRIPS with the maximum number of times you want to allow the promotion to be tripped.

In this example, we have used [MAXTRIPS=2]



In the example below, we have sold 3 cartons, and the promotion is only tripped twice due to the MAXTRIPS tag being set to 2.



Multiple Trips Disabled

We have selected this example to trip the promotion only once.



In the example below, we have sold 2 cartons, and the promotion is only tripped once.